Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Enthusiasm about the building U.S. economic recovery...........

have you heard? Dow Jones industrial closed at 13,005. highest since may 2008. fours months later everyone got the shaft except for the uber rich.......... the republicans have been bashing the economic recovery but reality tells another story. did you hear detroit automaking is having trouble keeping up with demand? next thing fox news will tell you is that Bush fixed the economy..........

one day after bin Laden was killed, fox news said we should be thanking George Bush and his administration for killing bin Laden. what the fuck? the party of "no you can`t" and "the world is coming to an end", can`t give credit where credit is due. Obama needs to quit fucking around and grow his fro out and be the scary Black Man some folks have been afraid of. (folks as in white, male, republican, christian fundementalist, motherfuckers.) i rest................