Ray Bradbury`s, Fahrenheit 451 is one of the great classics predicting potential disaster, (Sarah Palin wanting to ban The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn) that could quietly sneak up on you if you drift into mindless thought. This book is not about censorship but rather the suppressing of Dissenting Ideas. This book was written in 1953 and feels like it could be our religious right (crazies) that have started stealing rights away from different classes of people as I write this.Reading is outlawed and books are burned"for the good of Humanity". Sound familiar? Fahrenheit 451 is the temp in which books burn hence the title. This book falls into the great genre of books like -Welcome to the Monkey House, 1984, Brave New Worlds and so on. This kinda shit makes you crazy as you`re reading it. ( I had to add `shit` because i felt it added to the soup, I hope i didn`t offend anybody. I don`t want one of those `I`m a BAD MAN` warnings for this blog. Am i rambling? fuck you.) I rest......... Dissent n. disagreement, difference of opinion //nonconformity
Groupthink is already here and I don't think it's entirely because of our crappy two-party system. The mainstream media willingly suppresses all kinds of information that doesn't conform to the views of its shareholders and the views of the federal government. Case in point, look at the media response to Israel bombing the shit out of Gaza.
In our society you can't easily crush dissent by burning books and beating the snot out of people with truncheons, so you use the media as your weapon for creating consensus. Read "Manufacturing Consent" if you haven't (or I'll mail you my copy).
moped, that`s the idea of the book, restrict your information and swallow whatever the governing powers feed you. and yes, i think society can crush dissent because most of society are, collectively speaking, sheep and are easily herded. thanks for your response, you made me use my brain and my head and my mind.... and i`ll take that copy of `manufacturing consent` thank you very much. p.s. the pan is looking nice.....
i`m messing with you.....
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