'What if the life you`re living is actually your life flashing before your eyes; you`re dying.'
Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these posts must show.........
Boris kicks ass, that`s all I have to really say but because I`m constantly drooling nonsense from my mouth, I must go on. They grind hard and next sound like the Beach Boys with a drugged out Beatles twist. Watch them when they come to your area. Just try to find their t-shirts........ the artwork will blow your mind but they are always sold out. They truly kill it. I rest.......
My buddies crazy old great, great aunt (rich, loaded) got whatever she wanted because she had all the dough. So when her pooch died, she said she was gonna kill herself unless they stuffed the dog. They got it stuffed , she died, and it has been passed around to all the relatives for years. When I first met/saw this rapture, about 18 years ago, she had wheels under her with a string you could pull her around with. Cool huh? Well I`ve been trying to get her handed down to me. It could be my time, it`s the year of the Ox.
This is a pic of my oldest daughters Great Papa Bill circa 1948, Visalia, Ca.
Don Van Vliet was a child prodigy painter and sculpter from Lancaster, Calif. His parents trapped him out in the desert to keep him away from the crazies in Los Angeles but he escaped and formed a couple bands, the Omens and the Blackouts. The Magic Band soon found him and he became the leader of the band. Trout Mask Replica came out in 1969, produced by Frank Zappa. This album kills it. He has the sickest bluesy voice that growls like the Wolf and is as smooth as Muddy. Have a listen please......... Captain at Cannes.........
Ray Bradbury`s, Fahrenheit 451 is one of the great classics predicting potential disaster, (Sarah Palin wanting to ban The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn) that could quietly sneak up on you if you drift into mindless thought. This book is not about censorship but rather the suppressing of Dissenting Ideas. This book was written in 1953 and feels like it could be our religious right (crazies) that have started stealing rights away from different classes of people as I write this.Reading is outlawed and books are burned"for the good of Humanity". Sound familiar? Fahrenheit 451 is the temp in which books burn hence the title. This book falls into the great genre of books like -Welcome to the Monkey House, 1984, Brave New Worlds and so on. This kinda shit makes you crazy as you`re reading it. ( I had to add `shit` because i felt it added to the soup, I hope i didn`t offend anybody. I don`t want one of those `I`m a BAD MAN` warnings for this blog. Am i rambling? fuck you.) I rest......... Dissent n. disagreement, difference of opinion //nonconformity
I`ve never seen the avalon this crowded before..... a ton of bikes and double the people. wish i would have rode my bike but dynamite called and needed a ride for fear of a 502. Harpoon and Grant spinning some great licorice pizza got everyone in the mood for boozing. (I`m still in my self-induced alcohol-free hell) No one spoke to me because I`m even more of a dork without vodka........ such is the case. So I sat in the corner of the bar standing on the back booth watching the Heathens lead by Mr. Personality, GABE! A true showman... all songs are about one thing and one thing only, motorcycles. I like the one inspired by Mark Drew about always getting hassled by the MAN. (I think it`s called,`speedmaster leads the way`?) Tons of great bikes but because my self esteem was running on empty, I didn`t take many pictures of bikes; I didn`t want to be called any names......... again such is the case. I can`t wait till I start drinking my courage again.......
I walk into my kids room as he`s typing in his password on his play station three and this was his name up on the T.V. ....... Hey Max, Kutty, he`s 9 years old, skates, surfs, plays guitar.......he needs a sponsor...he wears a size small t-shirt........got any for him?