while watching the news late last night, the new viral youtube video of four soldiers urinating on dead taliban fighters, has hit full on with reactions being reported on the news stations......click. time to go to sleep with the image in my head. this morning more coverage of the now made public afganistan urination, with the penis`s blurred out. were they trying to protect their pride? american citizens were being asked their thoughts about the video. most seemed quite shocked and apalled. not one person said, "that`s war". in all wars there are acts of atrocity or what people that are not fighting in a war call atrocities. marines, navy seals, green beret, these guys are killing machines, trained to do all the things the rest of us are afraid to do. these soldiers saw these dead men as the enemy that they are fighting to protect us. proably 75% of soldiers believe in god and somehow they have to justify killing (thou shall not kill) for the sake of their country. their world must feel so out of control................i`ve peed on drunk friends before, horrible? maybe. funny? fuck yeah. i`ve gone off track and i`m not trying to making light of a sad situation. we send these young men to fight for what most of us would never do, put them in harms way, constantly not knowing if the next shot you hear might be the one blowing your brains out........men react and can sometimes do horrendous things when fighting for what they believe in. read your history books. imagine what these soldiers have already seen happen to others they fight side by side with. do i condone this, no. can i understand being out of control, yes. should t.v. news be showing this. absolutely. this brings reality to this quagmire and shakes our humane side that has been in hybernation for the last 10 years. these men are fighting a war that should never have gone on this long, let alone traversed into iraq. somehow these guys gotta come back home and fit into the country that kinda forgot they were gone...........bottom line: war sucks.
Well said man, right on the ugly money . . . . walk a mile in their shoes, even a hundred yards . . . all war is a horrible thing . . . I'd not swap places with our Aussie lads or your guys who are over there doing that job . . .
Very well put. The four soldiers in question were Marines. Funny thing about the media is that they never mentioned the beheading and disembowling of 3 US Army Rangers in the first year of the war or maybe the Blackwater contractors bodies who were paraded through the streets and then lit on fire and hung on a bridge as a lesson to " all infidels". Is it wrong to piss on dead enemies...perhaps but these boys and I stress that they are only boys have seen horrors we can all only imagine. Semper Fi.
after what was done to our soldiers, this pales in comparison. This pissing thing does not bother me at all, their lucky we dont piss on their entire country. What does bother me, is how our worthless media tries to destroy these heroes who defend our country...............
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