Literature Lesson #8 / Movie Review
Tennessee Williams is one of my favorite writers....... everyone has probably seen most of his movies but his written word is still by far one of the greatest. He loved dysfunction in every aspect........ emotionally, monetarily and sexually. His main characters were always so fucked up but so cool it was scary. He wrote about real life emotions and the lame things people do.......and their dirty little secrets. Some of his best writing was done while he was living in New Orleans...... the city were folks really live. unfortunately Tennessee died while he was putting eye drops in his eyes, he would pop the top off the eye drops and put the top in his mouth, lean back and put the drops in........... he ended up choking to death probably because he was so high......Tennessee loved to get high, alcohol, barbiturates and amphetamines....... it may have diminished his gag reflex. Such is the case. I know I probably bore many of you with my crap about writers and their books so I`ve decided to list my favorite movies of his.....they are all pretty amazing.
I feel well informed for my day,I did'nt know thats how he died.
keep the cultural madness coming!
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