KOGI.................. korean taco truck..... delicious
got a phone call last night to show up at an echo park location for the world`s greatest tacos....... holy shit. took us 45 minutes to get the tacos, i bought 10 of them and slowly drifted into bliss..... if you get THAT call, drop what you`re doing and go immediately....
Yeah..where ther truck located?
there are only 2 trucks and they are constantly in a new location...... my buddy said someone twittered him? people send messages where the trucks are gonna show up......crazy but delicious.....
mindpill...i meant is echo park LA or where geographically...lots of posts for foodie being followed on COC & stuff..making a trip down there and wondered where this area is..Thanks
echo park is between silverlake and downtown los angeles....good luck. but like i said, i roams all over l.a. area and almost never the same location twice in a month....
Nelson got a taco truck blog link
i somewhat been checking...my brother lives down that way now & we planning a taco truck feastage
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