Well the lesson today boys and girls will be about the wonderful required childrens book, The Giver. Yes, you heard me, if you have a child that is part of california`s curriculum, you will be probably reading this short, engaging story. It`s kinda sad, I for sure wouldn`t have heard about or read this book because my level of literature is so pretentious, I wouldn`t of heard about some pre-teen required reading. Hence, thank you goes out to my kids.......READ THIS BOOK..... It is VERY quick and easy to read and despite receiving many honors and awards there are still folks that try to ban it. Idiots.
The Giver is by Lois Lowery and the story goes on to be set in a future society that at first seems utopian in concept. The more you read, the more you see something is definitely fucked up. I think it`s easy to say, keep your eye on everyone: not to the point of paranoia. just enough to focus on the truth or something close to it. This book has been called inappropriate for young children probably because of the fear that your child might think out of the box and not get sucked in to the propoganda adults feed them.. religion, what is right and what is wrong etc.
The society described in this story is very seducing; it seems better than you could imagine: perfect. That`s fucked up part, nothing is perfect, obviously, your reading this blog... such is the case....... Sorry, I`m regressing into...... I`ll be drinking again soon, bear with me.... This society maintains this perfect process by using pills which suppress emotions, mainly romantic love and sexuality. I believe you will love this book and you will crown me your Leader after reading it. The Giver, if you read any of these books i recommend, this one will leave a true impression on your mind and your head AND your brain. I could go on and on but seriously get it. really, aren`t there too many idiots out there already. Let`s lighten the load. I rest for now.......
I finished it today and yes it was great.I dont read much fiction shit cuz I loose instrest quickly but I was riveted to this book.Thanks for telling me about it.
right on...
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