rolling down p.c.h. as the sun is coming up and shifting into 4th gear and the clutch cable pops. catch up to mike d. and jay timing the lights and we decide that i`ll catch up to them in ojai and i`ll get my bike to kiyo at the garage co. for a quick fix. it`s pretyy early and a few quick calls to nao and another to kiyo and i`m off to meet them at the garage.

out of the corner of my eye i see and hear a bike rolling in and it`s wil.......alright, company! wil was having mag problems and he came in to tweek it alittle......30 minutes later and another group came rolling in. matt davis for the last couple of years would bring up caleb and j.d. and ask me if i knew them.....being the freak loner i am, of course i don`t know them. glad i finally got to meet them. very cool, righteous guys. j.d. with his laid back style and caleb gets things done. i started calling him chief, he keeps all the indians in line. i watched him tear wil`s carb apart in record time, (while i was drinking his beer, thanks caleb, they were life-savers), and throw it all back together and off we went. alot of lane splitting to make up for lost time, but with these guys, you`re splitting lanes parallel and horizontal. you gotta keep up.

moose lodge? ojai.....mike d. and jay were waiting here for so long , they finally took off but there was still a group of a dozen or so still hanging. it was nice to sit and drink but we needed to start riding................


gassing up in the middle of nowhere.......once we got to the pismo off ramp, the group turned right and i went left to meet up with the guys i started off with at the beach in pismo..... i should have said bye.....i`m a bum. but i had a great day riding with them.....
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