Sunday, September 12, 2010

Thelonious Monster`re bumming my life out in a supreme fashion.

during the latter part of the eighties, los angeles had a abunch of bands that all kinda hung out......Fishbone, Tex and the Horseheads, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Weapon of Choice, Janes Addiction and last but to me the greatest Thelonious Monster. the band was a mish-mosh of characters from other bands but the singer, Bob Forrest was a fuckin` madman. he was banned from Raji`s which is almost impossible. their live shows destroyed with a rich multi-layer guitar section with guest musicians filling in with a brass section at times.

everyone of those bands listed above would show up at their gigs and step up and play with them. I would never miss a show. Bob was always sabotaging fame and was on a death wish at times. he was actually a great guy and a decent friend.

well anyways, i`m at Dynamite Joe`s house and his wife is watching T.V. and i see Bob on some kind of a drug show with a bunch of wackos and he is like some kind of counselor. i started cracking up but felt glad that he was focusing his energies into something worthwhile. i hope he starts playing again and i`d love to find out what he`s been up to......looks like it is all good.
i`m looking through some old photos looking for some of bob and his band and at parties....
listen up to this crappy video they did. this is off of their first L.P.


Anonymous said...

he has a radio show and he is employed as a drug counselor. he is a regular on the dr. drew rehab series.

Anonymous said...

oh and there's a movie coming out too:

mindpill said...

thanks.....bob could party. he IS a great songwriter.