Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Adolf Fucking Hitler

not only was he jewish but two belgium researchers found evidence through DNA that he also had african ancestry. i revel in irony but this fuck was so pathetic, along with the people that find him an inspiration. p.s. found this interesting article......this guy was a fuckin trainwreck......enjoy, you nazi fucks......http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2001/oct/07/books.booksnews


Mike Davis said...

Michael Jordan has the same mustache...just saying...You need to lighten up nobody is wearing Hilter T shirts..the swazi thing is popular because it goes back to the 60's bikers..everbody wants to be an outlaw.The Iron cross is the same thing and they sold shirts at Disneyland (your home away from home)a few years back.Take your pills and ride your bike.. it will all work out.

mindpill said...

hey, am i getting the born free mascot green light? anyways, it`s not about mustaches or folks wearing tshirts. neo-nazi groups are making a huge resurgence around the world and quite significantly in the U.S. when economic times get complicated, society, ecspecially those that are under-educated or receiving misinformation tend to come together in fringe groups to spout nonsense and foster their insecurities with other like-minded fools, pointing fingers at others that seem different from themselves or the government. my theory on peoples` anger with the feds is a chapter which i shall soon engage with in my fuck-bag blog. i rest.