August 8th 1963, 47 years ago, Martin Luther King delivered his famous I Have A Dream speech at the Lincoln Memorial. his message gave a voice to the voiceless and his vision promoted a just, equal, diverse and compassionate country.......this Aug. 28th is a direct slap in the face/publicity stunt directed as an insult....another example of the powers that are constantly aimed at dividing our nation. that`s how you control people, divide and conquer. unfortunately America is in the right economic and political climate for douche bags (my personal opinion) like glen beck and sarah palin to exploit our current conditions. the racist, raging and hate-filled voice of beck, palin and the Tea Party is in direct contrast to the noble vision spoken by Dr.King. these two clowns in particular are trying to divide Americans and turn us against each other. they are trying to hijack history and harm and disrupt our collective future. just because a snake can talk doesn`t mean they are not a snake........