after having, (what i heard, i don`t like mixing food with alcohol) an amazing feast set out for everyone (courtesy of grant`s lovely girlfriend), sloppy joes and a killer corn dog casserole......the japan guys were scratching their heads.......... and after some good talk and getting to know everyone in a more comfortable setting it was time to go........everyone firing up and taking off through the warm fullerton night.......gassing up and heading off down the freeway in our respective directions leading to our homes........when all of a sudden my bike blacks out at around 70 mph, i glide to the side of the freeway as everyone flys by just wanting to get home......... i get off thinking one of my coil wires popped off like it did the other day with dynamite after the show, i`d just put it back on..... everything seemed to be still attached but feeling underneath i felt a teenie tiny wire just dangling there... shit. well i look up and about 50 yards away i see a lone tail light rolling back towards me........... didn`t know who it was but ran up to flag them off and tell them to catch up to everyone and that i`d be o.k. and figure it out........ well it was brian harlow..... he said no way, we`ll fix it.... turns his bike around on a narrow edge of the freeway to shine his light on my bike with cars flying very close to us and proceeds to lay down on his back and quickly attack my the mean time i get 3 calls from mike d. asking if everything is alright and everyone is waiting on the freeway about a half mile up.........couple minutes later, will comes rolling up, he back tracked and also came to the brian had a wrench he was using to put a new lead on and while he was un-bolting it the end of the wrench kept touching my fender or something and a big spark would jump up and i swear each time it happened he got a big smile on his face........i think he kinda liked bike was up and running in no time ....we caught up to the group and we all eventually split up and went our own direction but for a time we were all one and very together and for that i thank you all very much.........i`ve been chatting to these chicago fellas for a couple a months on their blog.....admiring their bikes and talents respectively.... i finally got to meet them and i can`t wait to hang with them again...... nice meeting you josh, you ride that bike like a crazy motherfucker.... and brian, i`ll always remember your help and that story will be passed around about your help for a long time....... adios amigos, next time the desert or mexico.
'What if the life you`re living is actually your life flashing before your eyes; you`re dying.' Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these posts must show.........
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
born free closing ceremonies BBQ at grant and harpoon`s abode
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
jim carroll R.I.P.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
don`t tell me you`re some kinda patriot or some other bullshit of the such.........
this morning while my wife was checking her emails we got two separate messages from our kids` principles at school..... addressing the "issues" about our PRESIDENT addressing our children about school and it`s importance no matter what life deals out to you. parents were concerned he was trying to indoctrinate them?.....what the fuck. are you people insane. we are in America you imbeciles........protesters on t.v. calling for the president to, get this, stay away from our kids? again, what the fuck, where are you from. Stay away from our kids? you say that to sex offenders, bullies etc. the MAN is the president, you fuckin idiots. i`ve been steaming all day listening and thinking about this. what was he gonna say to OUR children on nationwide television? turn muslim, talk your parents into socialism, talk about how he`s not a legal u.s. citizen? subliminal messages? this is pure and simple un-american racism at its max. other presidents have spoken to the nation`s children (reagan and bush..... for you idiots, there was another george bush that was a smart and an accomplished man), and everyone was fine with that. it`s the same group of "americans" that are trying to protect "our children" from this terror called "being open minded". they are afraid if their children listen to our president speak, they will realize how rediculous their parents sound and how close minded they are. "protect the children" and you can continue spinning your fears, hatred, intolerance and close-mindedness. but fortunately, children are smarter than they let on to us and they will know and learn from the fears of our past. and some of our pathetic parents..........votes were counted and barack obama is our president. to not be supportive of our president is "un-american". after his eight years are up we can look back and decide if mistakes were made........ please go online and listen to what he said........then send in your comments. if you hav`nt heard it, don`t waste my time and go back into your cave. the bottom line is, `don`t fear the black man, he didn`t burn crosses in the name of god or go round hanging folks`. and for you real idiots, remember, he`s also half white, just like the white side.....i rest.....................
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