thanks to everyone involved with the show, everyone that showed up, thanks mike and grant for swinging by early to help hang art.......well, just, thanks..........
in all its glory..............
these two are always starving for camera time.....................joost and leo`s art......
chase sold my painting to someone else...........
GBMC punk rock cover band...................
gorgeous george............
cuddly bear nick.....................
dynamite showed up with the panhead trike with some gay drunk biker on the back and then stole some art from me............
this guy has a hot girlfriend....................... thanks also for the art mark.......
mike is figurung out how to make this bike his.....word has it, he has put out the word that he will buy the bike off the winner.........
davis loves art so much that sometimes he gets overwhelmed and falls to sleep....sometimes even before the show starts......he loves (f) art shows.
grant is a badass...........
took so little pictures then my battery ran out............always be prepared...i was never a boy scout.