when i first moved to aliso viejo ten years ago, i must admit, i was kinda bummed. it was like i was laying down to be slaughtered. i was used to living blocks from the beach, felt like i was still part of the pulse of my youth. wife and kids come first, so i succumbed and settled down in this new community. now i can honestly say i`m pretty stoked with the place, i`m very comfortable and settled. my family is happy, my house is nice and new, my world is good. the one thing that always seemed to un-nerve me at times was within minutes of talking with at least 40% of the parents, one of the first personal questions they usually asked was, "what church do you belong to?" i figured it was this land of young, new families starting up and thinking they should be searching for whatever their parents have been shoving down their throats for the last 20 or so years. so they were either asking to find out what place of worship i went to or they were recruiting. either way, i politely deflected the question and made a mental note to dodge them at all costs. since living here a few established religious organizations have planted their roots and have built their flocks but one in particular had caught my eye in the last few years. Compass Bible Church, opened in an industrial area not far from my house. they have been growing steadily and their facility has been getting larger and bringing the masses. one night, a neighbor that is somewhat really un-neighborly had a ton of cars parked out front of their house. weekly home bible study. men in one room, women in the other. taliban? back to my story........ two days ago, my eldest son told me this video on youtube was making all the kids at school buzz and everyone was going nuts. What? what really grabbed alot of the kids he said, is that it was filmed in parts with his high school in the background. i guess the video went viral, was closed down, then posted again under another name, then back posted again as its original name `Homosexuality in High School`. please watch this video. this kid in the video is probably gonna kill himself in the near future. or hopefully he`ll run away from this horrible church. http://youtu.be/UYkWAQIINEo please do not join this horrible club.